Amazing Grace Tribute
Indeed, this exceptional floral tribute is graceful in every way. Along with a beautiful arrangement of Asiatic lilies, carnations, Viking poms, solidago and roses is an Amazing Grace plaque that family and friends are certain to cherish.
Order by 7:00 AM EST for same day delivery and by 10:00 AM EST for same day pick up.
* Fee charged in addition to the Standard Delivery Fee
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18" Lotsa Love® Bear
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18" Lotsa Love® Bear
Huggable, adorable and ready to cuddle. Our Lotsa Love teddy bear wears a checkered brown bowtie to match his cream-colored, plush fur. This lovable friend is ready to deliver warmth to someone you care about.
Plush bear wearing brown checkered bowtie
Measures overall approximately 18′′H
SKU # 191001
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